International Program Office
Shiqiu ZHANG
Dr. Shiqiu ZHANG is a Professor of Environmental Economics at Peking University. She has been teaching on environmental economics and environmental management, and has been conducting various research projects covers Environmental Economics, Environmental Policy and Management, and global environmental treaties. She is currently a BOD member of Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis, Senior expert member of UNEP Technology and Economic Assessment Panel for implementing Montreal Protocol and Co-chair of the Task Force for Replenishment of the Multilateral Fund for Implementing the Montreal Protocol (UNEP). She served as a member of Scientific Advisory Panel for UNEP Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate Pollutants (CCAC) (2013-2019) and president of Asian Association on Environment and Resource Economics (AAERE) (2017-2019).
Yong LIU
Dr. Yong LIU is Boya Distinguished Professor and Dean of College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (CESE), Peking University. Prior to joining the Peking University faculty, Dr. Liu spent two years in University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources and Environment as a postdoctoral research fellow. Before that, he got his doctoral degree in science at Peking University in 2007 and his bachelor of economics at Renmin University of China and bachelor of engineering at Tsinghua University in 2002. His research covers water quality modeling and environmental planning, with the basic goal of establishing modeling framework for better environmental decision making. Dr. Liu has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers and 5 first-author books. His current research focuses on lake eutrophication control and nutrients management.
Director of MAIRS IPO
Dr. Yue QIN is a tenure-track associate professor at the College of Environmental Science and Engineering at Peking University. Before that, she worked as a tenure-track assistant professor at the Department of Geography and Sustainability Institute at the Ohio State University. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy (STEP Program) at Princeton University. Her research uncovers the interactions between the natural environment and the human society to inform sustainable food-energy-water development under global changing environment. Her research has been published in a series of high-profile outlets, including Nature Water (2023), Nature Climate Change (2022, 2020 featured cover article), Nature Sustainability (2019, 2018), and PNAS (2017).